Sunday, January 24, 2010

I am ______, _______, and __________.

Create a title for your self-portrait. It must start with I am and be followed by one, two, or three words. This is also the title of the blog post you're about to write.
Look back at the original goals for the project (on the class site).
Spend a moment looking at your finished work of art objectively. Try to see it the way other people (who don't know you) will see it. This may be the first time you've done this since you finished.
What do you think are the strengths of your work of art?
What parts of your story come through the most AND what artistic choices did you make that allowed this to happen?

Monday, January 4, 2010

Artist-in-Residence: Alexander DeMaria

This week artist Alexander DeMaria will be visiting Beaver for the week. He'll be making work in the studio, installing an exhibit of his work in the Nancy Lincoln Gallery.

On Wednesday during X-block he will be giving a slide talk about his work in Bradley Hall and I expect you to be there.

On Thursday there will be an opening for his exhibit in the gallery and I expect to see you there for a few minutes between 12:15 and 1:15.

Click HERE to see Alex's website.
Spend a few minutes looking at his work and reading his statement and resume.
On your blog please post your favorite piece of Alex's. Then describe why you like it and how it fits into the rest of his work.
ALSO, develop a question you'd like to ask Alex (you'll have several chances to do so). Write that on your blog too. Extra points when you get your question and post the answer on your blog!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Reflecting on self-portrait progress.

You have been working for several weeks on a non-traditional self-portrait. Today you got the chance to share what you've been doing with some of your classmates. Hopefully, you got some good feedback from your group.

On your blog, please describe what happened while discussing your work.
What did you share with your group members?
How did they react to your story and your work of art?
What feedback did they give you about your work up to this point?
What do you still need to do to finish your work and how many more classes do you anticipate needing to finish?